feel a correct context for project/program management integrates a Project Management Lifecycle (PMLC), a Product Lifecycle
for the product/system being produced, and the technical product development methods needed to develop and maintain a product
– reference the Product Development Context figure below.
The Heinsights PMLC in the figure
includes project Planning and Initiation, Execution and Control, and Closure phases. These phases are described in more detail
in The Project Management Lifecycle article in
the Heinsights Common Sense section of the website. We are strong believers of reusable methods for project management and have created a library of reusable
components for project processes and deliverables that can be tailored for your project environments. We also draw heavily
on industry standards and practices – using PMI’s PMBOK, IEEE software engineering/QA standards, SEI’s Capability
Maturity Model (CMM), and your own internal standards as we help you construct project management best practices.
