Probably your most important goal
is to ensure the effectiveness of the corporation. To be effective requires Systems Thinking! A system is a combination of
the human participants and the tools (process & technology) they use, operating within an organizational system and culture
to attain a defined goal. Simply put, to be effective, your organization has to consider the combination of improvements that
are needed by the people, processes, technology and culture that comprise your work systems.
Within Heinsights we are experienced in applying Systems Thinking – it is the cornerstone for all the comprehensive and
complex systems we have been involved in building. And it is also the cornerstone
for the IT related solutions we help you to innovate, engineer, and implement within your organization. We have the processes,
technology and knowledge transfer toolkit and skilled people necessary to provide you this service.
We help you innovate and engineer Project & Program Management and Product & Systems Development Best Practices. We help you assess your current practices, use these as
a foundation for improvement, and augment them with industry best practices. We help you implement best practices through
integrated IT Education & Mentoring, and organizational support.
We help you sharpen your focus on IT
product and service quality by working with you to implement and/or improve your corporate Quality Management Systems or Project Quality Assurance methods. We help you assess your current quality management systems based on industry quality standards, make improvement
recommendations based on your quality goals, and, if desired, help you implement them. And we help you assess and implement
project-based verification and validation practices, including peer reviews and testing. We provide education, mentoring and
continuous organizational support for the quality systems and methods we help you implement.
Given that People are your
most important asset, we provide the IT Education & Mentoring that individuals, project
teams, and your competency centers need to be effective. The education and mentoring services we provide can help you:
- Grow and sustain highly
effective product and project teams
- Develop an individual's career within the corporation
- Train
and mentor on new business and technical practices and supporting technology
- Train and mentor on all
job related skills
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